• IntelliJ IDEA performs gradle tasks before starting HO

    These gradle tasks are only required to generate the release artifacts of HO. If you only want to simply run/debug HO in the IDE use the following settings (invoke Ctrl+Alt+S):

    Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Build Tools->Gradle


    Build and run using: IntelliJ IDEA

    Run tests using: IntelliJ IDEA

  • Gradle: could not get unknown property ``POEDITOR_APIKEY`` for object of type ``de.jansauer.poeditor.POEditorExtension``

In case you don’t have a POEditor key, you simply need to remove the related reference: in ´build.gradle´ comment the line referring to POEDITOR_APIKEY


  • MacOS: ``Aqua`` exception: at runtime a series of runtime exceptions are thrown, and the UI doesn’t work as expected…

Make sure that the following VM Arguments is set -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -Dapple.awt.showGroupBox=true